Conférence internationale permanente d'instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes Excellence in T&I training and research


The CIUTI Prize is an award for outstanding T&I-related Master’s theses. It is awarded to the three best candidates of one year. Nominations may be submitted by any CIUTI member institute and must be supported by the respective professors’ assessments. The final decision is made by a jury within the CIUTI Board. Winners are announced at the annual General Assembly. The first ranked laureate is the recipient of a 500 Euro prize as well as a grant to present their project at the annual CIUTI Conference. In recent years, the CIUTI Prize was awarded to the following laureates:


Rebec­ca Cramp (Mac­quar­ie University)
“Bis­mil­lah ar-Rah­man ar-Raheem” – What did the Sheikh say? Chal­lenges for Aus­lan-Eng­lish inter­preters ren­der­ing code-switch­ing in Ara­bic-Eng­lish Islam­ic source texts

Francesca Lampe (Uni­ver­sität Mainz Germersheim)
Ver­ständlichkeit­sop­ti­mierung von Tex­ten mith­il­fe von ChatGPT
[Opti­miz­ing text com­pre­hen­si­bil­i­ty with ChatGPT]

Michele Restuc­cia (Uni­ver­sità di Trieste)
Inter­pre­tazione di con­feren­za e IA: Stu­dio sper­i­men­tale su Sight-Terp e la con­sec­u­ti­va assistita
[AI and Con­fer­ence Inter­pret­ing: An exper­i­men­tal study on Sight-Terp and Assist­ed Con­sec­u­tive Interpreting]


Chris­tine Trauner (Uni­ver­si­ty of Graz)
Sprachüber­greifende Inter­view­forschung Trans­la­torische Arbeit im Rah­men der qual­i­ta­tiv­en Sozial­forschung und Kulturanthropologie
[Cross-Lan­guage Inter­view Stud­ies. Trans­la­tion Activ­i­ties in Qual­i­ta­tive Social Research and Cul­tur­al Anthropology]

Bertille Tri­boulet (Uni­ver­sité de Genève)
Biais de genre dans la tra­duc­tion automa­tique neu­ronale : étude des fac­teurs poten­tiels pour la tra­duc­tion des noms de métiers

Ali­na Pieters (TH Köln)
Bar­ri­ere­freie Kom­mu­nika­tion und Über­set­zungswis­senschaft: Leichte Sprache in der The­o­rie, Prax­is und Didak­tik des Über­set­zens [Acces­si­ble Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Trans­la­tion Stud­ies: Ger­man Easy Lan­guage in the The­o­ry, Prac­tice and Study of Translation]


Alisa Tian (Uni­ver­si­ty of New South Wales)
Tack­ling Long Sen­tences in the Trans­la­tion Class­room: An Inves­ti­ga­tion of the Use­ful­ness of a Sys­temic Func­tion­al Lin­guis­tics-Based Approach in Teach­ing Long Sen­tence Trans­la­tion from Eng­lish to Chinese

Ellen Willaert (Uni­ver­si­ty of Ghent)
La tran­si­tion vers l’interprétation à dis­tance: explo­rations sys­té­ma­tique des expéri­ences et per­cep­tions d’une unité d’interprétation

Justy­na Żmudz­ka (Uni­ver­si­ty of Warsaw)
Los tér­mi­nos pandémi­cos en los per­iódi­cos de opinión pola­cos y españoles: impli­ca­ciones para la tra­duc­ción [The pan­dem­ic terms in the Pol­ish and Span­ish opin­ion-form­ing dai­ly news­pa­pers: impli­ca­tions for translation]


Francesco Anto­nio Peliz­za (Uni­ver­sität Wien)
Automa­tis­che Spracherken­nung und Simul­tan­dol­metschen: Eine Unter­suchung der ASR­Funk­tion von Inter­pret­Bank 7 [Recon­nais­sance automa­tique de la parole et inter­pré­ta­tion simul­tanée : Une étude de la fonc­tion ASR d’In­ter­pret­Bank 7]

Eline De Keyz­er (Uni­ver­siteit Gent)
Les enjeux émo­tion­nels de l’in­ter­pré­ta­tion dans les ser­vices publics (ISP): l’im­pact sur l’in­ter­prète et les moyens d’y faire face


Anna Furlan (TH Köln)
Ein dol­metschen­der Lit­er­at zwis­chen The­o­rie und Wirk­lichkeit – Ivan Ivan­ji als Plä­doy­er für das Dol­metschstudi­um [An inter­pret­ing writer between the­o­ry and real­i­ty — Ivan Ivan­ji as advo­cate of inter­preter training]

Gia­da Venier (Uni­ver­sità degli Stu­di di Bologna, Cam­pus Forlì)
I tec­ni­cis­mi col­lat­er­ali nei dis­cor­si politi­ci: strate­gie di ges­tione nel­l’in­ter­pre­tazione simul­tanea [Col­lat­er­al tech­ni­cal terms in polit­i­cal dis­course: cop­ing strate­gies in simul­ta­ne­ous interpreting]

Lise Ver­straete (Uni­ver­siteit Gent)
Esti­mat­ing trans­la­tion dif­fi­cul­ty based on read­abil­i­ty scores, sub­jec­tiv­i­ty eval­u­a­tion and process data


Lin­da Stegmann(Universität Leipzig)
Über­titelung für Hörgeschädigte per Smart­glass­es: Pilot­studie zur Nutzer­akzep­tanz von Trans­la­tion­sart und Tech­nik sowie zur Über­titelgestal­tung für Daten­brillen [Sur­titling for Deaf and Hard-of-Hear­ing via Smart Glass­es: Pilot Study on User Accep­tance of Trans­la­tion Type and Tech­nol­o­gy as well as Sur­title Design for Data Glasses]

Michele D’Auria (Uni­ver­sité de Genève)
L’interprète en langue des signes face aux ter­mes. Analyse qual­i­ta­tive des procédés mis en oeu­vre pour faire face aux absences d’équivalences ter­mi­nologiques en milieu scolaire

Lea Mer­ki (ZHAW Zurich Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences)
Post-edit­ing Neur­al Machine Trans­la­tion. An Analy­sis of the Com­pe­tences for and the Effec­tive­ness of Pro­fes­sion­al and Non-Pro­fes­sion­al Post-Editing


Dar­iusz Müller (Uni­ver­si­ty of Warsaw)
The EU melt­ing pot of lan­guages: how the lan­guage of the case (Eng­lish, French, Pol­ish) influ­ences the lan­guage of the CJEU’s Pol­ish Judgments

Jean Coulon (Uni­ver­sité catholique de Louvain)
Auto­matic­ité en tra­duc­tion lit­téraire: Une analyse intro­spec­tive et com­par­a­tive | Automa­tion in lit­er­ary trans­la­tion: An intro­spec­tive and com­par­a­tive analysis

Juan Car­los Gil-Berrozpe (Uni­ver­si­dad de Granada)
Cor­pus-based Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of Hyponymy Sub­types and Knowl­edge Pat­terns in the Envi­ron­men­tal Domain


Mar­co Lobas­cio (Uni­ver­si­ty of Bologna at Forlì)
Gen­i­tive vari­a­tion and unique items hypoth­e­sis in simul­ta­ne­ous inter­pret­ing from Ital­ian into English

Raquel Sei­jo Fer­nán­dez (Uni­ver­si­dad de Alcalá)
Non­ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion in con­sec­u­tive interpreting

Lisa Müller (Uni­ver­sität Leipzig)
Über­set­zung und Ide­olo­gie im Wan­del der Geschichte. Ein Ver­gle­ich zweier englis­ch­er Über­set­zun­gen von Adolf Hitlers ‘Mein Kampf’


San­dra Haldimann (Uni­ver­sität Mainz/Germersheim)
Den freien Fall genießen. Impro­vi­sa­tion­sthe­ater als Teil der Dol­metsch­di­dak­tik | Enjoy­ing the Free Fall. Impro­vi­sa­tion­al The­atre as a Part of Inter­pret­ing Didactics

Daniele Corghi (Uni­ver­sità di Forlì)
Inter­pre­tazione di con­feren­za e genere. La fem­miniliz­zazione del­la pro­fes­sione Con­fer­ence inter­pret­ing and gen­der. | The fem­i­ni­sa­tion of the profession.

Clara Plasen­cia Dum (TH Köln)
Die insti­tu­tionelle Rede als Unter­suchungs­ge­gen­stand – Eine exem­plar­ische Analyse der Reden zum Thron­wech­sel 2014 in Spanien | Insti­tu­tion­al speech­es as an object of study — a sam­ple analy­sis of speech­es relat­ed to the 2014 Span­ish roy­al handover


Manon Her­mann (Insti­tut Marie Haps — Uni­ver­sité Catholique de Louvain):
’Machen/Maken‘ & ‘Tun/Doen‘: Das Richtige tun und dabei keinen Fehler machen.

Luca Todaro (Johannes Guten­berg Uni­ver­sität Mainz):
Geschlechter­spez­i­fis­che Unter­schiede beim Simultandolmetschen.


Chiara Vanone (Uni­ver­si­ty of Trieste):
Local­iza­tion in the Web-mar­ket­ing Era: Trans­la­tion and Best Prac­tices for the Pro­mo­tion of Local­ized Products

Meike Braun (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mainz/Germersheim)
Inter­pret­ing in Post-World War II Germany

Elis­a­beth Nimmervoll
Qual­i­ty Cri­te­ria and Role Per­cep­tions of Con­fer­ence Inter­preters in Italy


Iris Topolovec (Uni­ver­si­ty of Graz)
Inter­pret­ing between Eng­lish and Aus­tri­an Sign Lan­guage: an Empir­i­cal Study

Kim Park (Lon­don Met­ro­pol­i­tan University)
The Interpreter’s Deliv­ery: A Spot­light on User Per­cep­tions. The Influ­ence of Hes­i­ta­tion and Self-cor­rec­tion on the User’s Per­cep­tion of the Inter­preter and of the Qual­i­ty of Interpretation

Mar­ta Pérez Hernán­dez (Uni­ver­si­ty of Granada)
A Prag­mat­ic Analy­sis of Polite­ness in Ama­teur and Pro­fes­sion­al Sub­ti­tling: The Case of the TV Series ‘Alca­traz’


Miri­am Win­ter (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mainz/Germersheim)
The Inter­pret­ing Pro­fes­sion in the Third Reich: Enforced Con­for­mi­ty and Indoctrination

Ivan Gopce­vic (Uni­ver­sité de Genève)
Tra­duc­tion et hand­i­cap, ou l’histoire d’un ren­dez-vous manqué…

Xin Gu (Bei­jing For­eign Stud­ies Unviversity)
The Rela­tion­ship between the Quan­ti­ty of Visu­al Aids and the Qual­i­ty of Simul­ta­ne­ous Interpretation


Car­la Quin­ci (Uni­ver­si­ty of Trieste)
From Novis to Expert: an Empir­i­cal Study on the Acqui­si­tion of Trans­la­tion Competence

Moni­ka Gschwend/Martina Novot­ny (Uni­ver­sité de Genève)
Trans­la­tore­naus­bil­dung – Arbeits­markt – Über­set­zer­pro­file: Möglichkeit­en und Gren­zen ein­er Adäqua­tion anhand ein­er empirischen Studie


Pablo Linares (Uni­ver­si­ty of Leipzig)
The French Edi­tion of T. W. Adorno’s ‘Jar­gon der Eigen­tüm­lichkeit’: Trans­la­tion Assess­ment Issues


Katia Peruz­zo (Uni­ver­si­ty of Trieste)
A termbase on the ter­mi­nol­o­gy of EUROPOL and police coop­er­a­tion in Eng­lish and Italian

Kevin Ryck­aert (Arte­sis Hogeschool – Uni­ver­si­ty of Antwerp)
Eval­u­a­tion d’une for­ma­tion à l’audiodescription