Last updated: 15 September 2022
Conférence Internationale permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes, abbreviated: “CIUTI“.
Name and legal form
Art. 1 An international non-profit association is hereby founded under the name of: “Conférence Internationale Permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes” (CIUTI, International Standing Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters). This association is governed by the Belgian law of 23 March 2019 introducing the Code of Companies and Associations and containing various dispositions.
Registered office
Art. 2 The registered office is located in the Brussels Capital Region. The registered office may be moved to anywhere in Belgium by decision of Management Board.
Official languages
Art. 3 The working languages of the association are English and French.
Disinterested aims
Art. 4 CIUTI is a not-for-profit association with the following mission:
- Optimise the quality of training; facilitate the mobility of students and instructors among member institutes.
- Ensure collaboration among its members on research and developing new teaching methods.
- Promote relations with national and international organisations, associations and companies invested in the training of professionals in the fields of interpretation, translation, and multilingual and intercultural communication.
- Promote academic training characterised by an openness to the world, a critical attitude and a fact-based approach.
- Promote scientific integrity and an access to resources for all.
Art. 5 The association is composed of full members and associate members.
Art. 6 Full membership may be granted to any institute that
- is legally constituted in accordance with the laws and customs of the country in which it is established;
- is statutorily attached to an institution of higher education or qualifies as one itself;
- has an administration and faculty able to ensure university-level professional training;
- accepts as regular students only those holding a degree qualifying them to enroll in an institution of higher education in the country concerned;
- guarantees a level that meets the requirements for the training of professionals in the fields of interpreting, translation, and multilingual and intercultural communication.
Art. 7 The General Assembly may invite to join as associate members those associations or organisations interested in CIUTI’s activities and promotion of its objectives.
Membership admission and fees
Art. 8 The admission of new members will be approved by decision of the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority of members present.
Art. 9 If any member fails to meet one or more of the conditions listed in Article 6, it will notify the President without delay and no later than four weeks before the opening of the next Annual General Assembly. The Association will decide whether membership is to be continued and, if so, under what conditions.
Art. 10 Membership is terminated by notifying the President in writing no later than four weeks before the opening of the next Annual General Assembly.
Art. 11 Any decision concerning the suspension or expulsion of a member, who will first be given the opportunity to state its defence, will require a three-quarters majority of the members present at the General Assembly, not including the member concerned, who abstains from voting. The proposal to exclude a member should be indicated in the convocation. The member concerned must be heard. The exclusion must be decided on by the General Assembly, taking into account the provisions for the quorum and a majority as required for statute changes.
Art. 12 A suspended member cannot exercise its rights as a member until a three-quarters majority of the members present decide otherwise. The resigning or expelled member has no right to the social fund and cannot claim reimbursement of dues paid.
Art. 13 The financial resources of the Association derive primarily from the dues and contributions of the member institutes. Full and associate members pay the same annual dues, the amount of which is determined by the General Assembly. This amount may not exceed 500 euros.
Art. 14 Any member institute which has not paid its annual membership fee, including that of the current year, will not have the right to vote at the General Assembly. Non-payment of dues by a member institute may result in the suspension or expulsion of the member by the General Assembly.
Art. 15 The excluded or resigning member, or whose membership has been annulled remains obliged to pay the annual membership fee until its departure from the association.
Rights and obligations of members
Art. 16 By the mere fact of their membership, full members of the association agree to abide by its statutes, internal rules and regulations, and decisions taken by the General Assembly.
Art. 17 Associate members agree to abide by its statutes, internal rules and regulations, and decisions taken by the General Assembly. They endorse the aims of the association and may participate in the General Assembly in an advisory capacity.
Art. 18 The General Assembly is composed of all members. Only full members that have paid their membership fees have the right to vote; each member has one vote.
Each member is represented by a natural person, called a delegate. Only this delegate shall be authorised to vote in the elections of the Management Board as well as for any motion put to the vote at the General Assembly. Another representative of each institution can participate in the debates but does not hold the right to vote. Each member bears the expenses of its delegates and representatives.
Art. 19 The General Assembly possesses all powers necessary for realising the association’s purpose and defines the general policies of the association. A decision from the General Assembly is required for
- changes to the statues;
- the appointment and removal from office of the members of the Management Board and the determination of their remuneration if such remuneration is to be attributed to them;
- the appointment and removal from office of the commissioner and the determination of their remuneration;
- the discharge to be given to the members of the Management Board and the commissioner, as well as the introduction of a claim by the association against the members of Management Board and the commissioner;
- the approval of the annual accounts and the budget;
- the dissolution of the association;
- the exclusion of a member;
- the transformation of the international non-profit association into a non-profit association, into a cooperative association recognised as a social enterprise, or into a certified cooperative association recognised as a social enterprise;
- make or accept a contribution of a universality in the absence of a quid pro quo;
- all other instances required by the law or the statutes.
Art. 20 The President will present to the General Assembly the Annual Report of the Management Board. On behalf of the Management Board, the Treasurer will present to the General Assembly a detailed report on the results of the accounting audit and a financial report covering the past financial year.
Art. 21 The General Assembly will nominate two auditors whose term will last until its next meeting, where they will report their audit results. Management Board members cannot be nominated as auditors.
Art. 22 Any proposal to amend the statutes must be brought forward by the Management Board or by at least one fifth of the full members of the association.
Convocation and Voting
Art. 23 The Annual General Assembly will be convened once a year by the Secretary-General of the association. The convening notice will be communicated at least fifteen days prior to the General Assembly. The agenda will be attached to the convening notice. Each proposal signed by at least one twentieth of members will be included in the agenda.
The General Assembly will meet on a date and at a location that is determined during its previous meeting. If circumstances require, the Management Board may change the location and date of the meeting, and even has the right to organise the General Assembly in a digital format, in accordance with the relevant legislation. The convening notice for a digital General Assembly should contain a clear description of the steps to be taken to participate in the meeting.
Art. 24 The organising member institute will bear the cost of organising the General Assembly meeting.
Art. 25 If an institution is unable to have a representative attend the General Assembly, it must inform the Secretary-General of this in writing in due time, and can give proxy to another full member. A full member cannot hold more than two proxies. Proxies must be handed over by the Secretary-General to the President at the start of the General Assembly.
Art. 26 The General Assembly of CIUTI is confidential and is held behind closed doors. The Management Board may decide to invite persons external to the association designated by name if the request has been submitted in good time before the meeting.
Art. 27 Unless otherwise provided in these statutes, the General Assembly can validly deliberate only if two thirds of the full members are present or represented by another full member. If this condition is not met, a second convening notice will be necessary and the new meeting of the General Assembly will be able to deliberate and decide validly, regardless of the number of members present or represented.
Art. 28 The President will set the agenda for each General Assembly, which will include all items requiring a decision from the General Assembly. The President of CIUTI chairs and facilitates all debates. The General Assembly begins with the verification of the convening notices, the proxies and the quorum. It then examines the agenda and votes on the adoption of the agenda.
Proposals for items to be placed on the agenda, including any attached documents, must be brought to the attention of the Secretary-General at least two months before the General Assembly. Other urgent items may be proposed before the vote on the adoption of the agenda. The agenda, thus modified, will as a whole be proposed and approved by vote.
The first item on the agenda shall be the examination and approval of the minutes of the previous General Assembly. Proposals for amendments to the minutes must reach the Secretary-General two months before the General Assembly that must approve them. The next item is that of the President’s, the Secretary-General’s, the Vice-Presidents’ and the Treasurer’s reports. Then come the approval of the accounts, and the discharge given to the Management Board. The designation of the institution responsible for hosting the next General Assembly and the date of the latter are the subject of a separate item on the agenda. No resolution can be put to the vote under the last item, entitled “Any Other Business”.
Art. 29 The President gives the floor to delegates in order of appearance of the requests to speak. The President of CIUTI and all the members of the Executive Committee may intervene at any time if the subject of the discussion requires a special clarification of which they are aware.
Art. 30 It is possible to proceed to a vote to end the debate. In such case, only those who are still on the list of speakers may still take the floor.
After the vote, a speaker may request that a remark be explicitly included in the minutes of the meeting concerning the decision made.
The request for a vote must be made aloud in one of CIUTI’s working languages. The President shall ensure that the interpretation of the request is clear to all delegates. If two different proposals are made on the same item of the agenda, agreement must first be reached on which proposal shall be put to the vote first.
Art. 31 Voting shall be by show of hands, by acclamation or by secret ballot. If the delegate of a full member so requests, voting shall be by secret ballot.
Art. 32 Unless otherwise specified in these statutes, decisions will be adopted by a simple majority of the full members present or represented.
The General Assembly may decide not to make a decision on one or more agenda items, insofar as two thirds of members present or represented so decide.
Art. 33 All decisions will be recorded in a register signed by the President or by two board members and will be made readily available to members by the Secretary-General.
Following the General Assembly, a draft of the minutes drawn up by the Secretary-General will be circulated to the members no later than three months after the General Assembly. It will include the conclusions and decisions made in the course of the Assembly as well as nominative interventions.
Art. 34 The General Assembly may set up committees to deal with certain issues. These committees may include persons other than members of the General Assembly.
An item on the agenda of the General Assembly will be the report on the activities of the various committees which will have regularly informed the Executive Committee and the Management Board of their work.
Art. 35 The Secretary-General will also convene an Extraordinary General Assembly upon request by the Management Board or one fifth of full members.
An Extraordinary General Assembly will be convened to decide on proposed amendments to the statutes, or amendments to the (disinterested) aims of the association.
The Extraordinary General Assembly can only validly deliberate and decide on the statutory modifications if the proposed statutory modifications are precisely indicated in the convening notice and if at least two thirds of members are present or represented at the General Assembly.
If the latter condition is not met, a second convening notice will be necessary and the new meeting will deliberate and decide validly, regardless of the number of members present or represented. The second meeting may not be held within fifteen days after the first meeting.
No amendment to the statutes shall be accepted unless it has received two-thirds of the votes cast without taking into account abstentions in the numerator or denominator. However, an amendment concerning the (disinterested) aims of the association may only be adopted by a four-fifths majority of the votes of the members present or represented, without taking into account abstentions in the numerator or denominator.
If, for reasons of force majeure, the special meeting cannot take place on the chosen date and at the chosen location, the Secretary-General will immediately notify the member institutes and request that they indicate the earliest date on which they would be able and willing to host the General Assembly. Any proposals received will then be reviewed and voted on by the officers of the association.
Art. 36 The decisions of the General Assembly are implemented by the Managemet Board.
It is the responsibility of the Management Board to make decisions which cannot be postponed until the next General Assembly, unless they are taken at an Extraordinary General Assembly which will be convened if the statutes so require.
Composition, powers and mode of operation
Art. 37 The association is governed by a Management Board composed of at least six and no more than twelve members. At least one Board member must be a Belgian national.
Art. 38 Once elected by the General Assembly, Management Board Members are appointed for a period of three years. They may be re-elected; however, Management Board members may not serve more than three consecutive terms.
Art. 39 A Management Board Member’s term of office ends if they
a) die,
b) resign,
c) cease to be affiliated with the member institute to which they belonged when elected, or
d) when the institute with which they are affiliated ceases to be a member of the association.
Art. 40 Since the members are elected ad personam, they do not represent the interests of their institutions, but rather the interests and the well-being of CIUTI as a whole.
Art. 41 The Management Board has the power to undertake any necessary or useful action to reach the association’s aims, except for those reserved by law for the General Assembly. The Management Board reports its activities and is accountable to the General Assembly.
Art. 42 The General Assembly prior to the one at which elections are to be held sets the election procedure, taking into account the statutory conditions.
Art. 43 In order to stand for election, each candidate must have obtained the agreement of their institution. This is the only prior condition.
Art. 44 Only those present at the General Assembly at which the elections are held may be candidates in the elections.
Candidates put themselves forward by motivating their candidacy.
Art. 45 Voting is by secret ballot. In order for a vote to be valid, a minimum of 6 different names and a maximum of 12 must be indicated on the ballot paper.
Art.46 In order to be validly elected, a candidate must have received 50% of validly cast votes.
Art. 47 The Management Board will elect, for a term of three years, from among its members, an Executive Committee composed of the following officers: a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary-General. None of these positions is remunerated and holding more than one of these positions at a time is prohibited. The tenure of an Executive Committee officer is renewable.
Art. 48 The Management Board will meet whenever it is in the interest of the association to do so. The Management Board can validly deliberate only when at least half of its members are present or represented.
Decisions are made by a simple majority of the members in attendance or otherwise represented.
Any Management Board Member may be represented by another Management Board Member. No Management Board Member can serve as proxy for more than one other Board member.
Art. 49 Any elected member of the Management Board who has not taken part, without any justified reason, in three consecutive Management Board meetings will be considered to have resigned.
Art. 50 Minutes approved by the Management Board will be recorded in a register and made readily available to members of the association.
Art. 51 Any act that binds the association will, unless special powers are granted by the General Assembly, be signed by the President and one other Management Board member.
Art. 52 Legal actions, either as plaintiff or defendant, will be pursued at the initiative of the Management Board, represented by a Management Board member appointed for this purpose.
Art. 53 The financial year ends on 31 March.
Art. 54 The Management Board will be required to submit the accounts of the elapsed year and a budget proposal for the following financial year to the General Assembly for its approval.
Art. 55 The Treasurer is responsible for the proper administration and use of all available resources. They keep the officers of the Executive Committee informed of the financial situation of the association and present its accounts whenever needed. In addition, the Treasurer prepares, on behalf of the Executive Committee, a financial report for each meeting of the Management Board.
Art. 56 The General Assembly, convened under the same rules as those for amending the statutes, with two thirds of its full members present, may dissolve the association. Under no circumstances may this item be added to the agenda once a meeting is in session.
The General Assembly can dissolve the association only under the same conditions as those needed to amend the purpose(s) of the association.
If it fails to meet the two-third quorum of full members, the General Assembly will convene at least fifteen days later, at which point it can deliberate on the matter, irrespective of the number of members present.
The association can be dissolved only if four fifths of the members present vote for dissolution.
Art. 57 After the association’s assets have been liquidated, the remainder will be donated to the International Federation of Translators (FIT, Fédération internationale des traducteurs). These remaining assets may be allocated only after all liabilities have been settled.
Art. 58 The liquidation will be carried out by one or more liquidators who will function under a General Assembly resolution formalising the liquidation. Upon proposal by the Management Board, the General Assembly will determine how many liquidators are required and whom they will be.
Art. 59 Anything not provided for in these statutes, and in particular the publications to be made in the Annexes of the Moniteur belge (Belgian Official Gazette), will be settled in accordance with the provisions of the Belgian law of 23 March 2019 introducing the Code of Companies and Associations and containing various dispositions.
Bart Defrancq, President
Lieven Buysse, Secretary-General